WorkScout has an excellent setup wizard that will automatically import demo data

You should see Setup Wizard page immediately after activating WorkScout, if you don’t or you’ve skipped it, you  will find it in Appearance → Setup Wizard.

It’s straightforward; simply confirm each step, and the wizard will handle plugin installation, content import, and basic settings. There are a few manual tasks afterward.

Setting Up Plugins Pages

After installing core plugins and importing demo settings, the next step is to configure your pages. Refer to the screenshot for selecting the right pages for each setting.

Job Listings for WP Job Manager:

Resume pages for Resume Manager Add-on:

Setting Logo

The logo can be set in Appearance → Customize → Site Identity.

However, the home page that uses Page Template named Page with Jobs Search” with the Transparent Header enabled needs it’s own logo image, as in most cases the dark logos won’t look good there. To add that logo, go to Appearance → Customize → Home Page Options → Logo for transparent header