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How to fix login stuck at “sending user info, please wait…”?

If you’re trying to use Ajax login on Listeo and you get stuck on message ‘Sending user info, please wait…‘, first check if you have any cache/optimizations plugins active on your site. If you do, try to disable them to see if that help. If it does, you might need to change some settings in those plugins as they might have to aggressive optimization for this feature to work.

The issue is often connected with custom mod_security rules. Some hosting providers block login requests from non standard paths, so try to contact your hosting provider and ask them about it.

And last but not least, you may experience this issue on nginx server, in that case, add the following lines to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

fastcgi_temp_file_write_size 10m;
fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 512k;
fastcgi_buffer_size 512k;
fastcgi_buffers 16 512k;
client_max_body_size 50m;
proxy_buffer_size 16k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size 16k;

if that won’t help, check if you have Nginx Content caching enabled, you might need to disable that to fix that problem

Registration is disabled – what to do?

This is a very basic WordPress setting. Simply head over to the Settings → General page in your WordPress admin area. Scroll down to the ‘Membership’ section and check the box next to the ‘Anyone can register’ option.

If you caching enabled on your website you’d need to flush cache aswell.

Editing Resume Submission Fields

There are three main ways to customise  resume fields:

  1. For simple text changes, using a localisation file or a plugin such as the Say What Plugin. See Translating WP Job Manager for more information.
  2. Use a 3rd party plugin such as which has a UI for field editing.
  3. Use the WordPress hooks (filters) which are explained below.

WP Job Manager’s approach to allowing customisation of it’s forms is to use filters. In WordPress, filters essentially allow you to ‘filter’ data through your own custom php functions which return a different ‘filtered’ result. Any custom code can go in your theme functions.php file.

Editing resume fields works in a similar manner to editing job submission fields – you can use filters and custom functions. Any custom code should be added as a snippet to a plugin like Code Snippets, which will help ensure your site doesn’t crash due to buggy code, or be overwritten during updates.

Editing fields on the frontend

Editing resume submission fields is possible via the submit_resume_form_fields filter. Adding some code will allow you to edit various fields, or add new ones.

See the below example which demonstrates how to change a field’s label:

// Add your own function to filter the fields
add_filter( 'submit_resume_form_fields', 'custom_submit_resume_form_fields' );

// This is your function which takes the fields, modifies them, and returns them
function custom_submit_resume_form_fields( $fields ) {

// Here we target one of the job fields (candidate name) and change it's label
$fields['resume_fields']['candidate_name']['label'] = "The Candidate Name";

// And return the modified fields
return $fields;

Removing a field

If you’d like to remove a field from the form, you’d simply unset it using the same filter.

See the below example where the Candidate Title is being removed:

add_filter( 'submit_resume_form_fields', 'remove_submit_resume_form_fields' );

function remove_submit_resume_form_fields( $fields ) {

// Unset any of the fields you'd like to remove - copy and repeat as needed
unset( $fields['resume_fields']['candidate_title'] );

// And return the modified fields
return $fields;

Adding a field

Similarly, you can add a field just as easily. Here’s an example showing how to add a new text input to the form:

// Add field to admin
add_filter( 'resume_manager_resume_fields', 'wpjms_admin_resume_form_fields' );
function wpjms_admin_resume_form_fields( $fields ) {

$fields['_candidate_color'] = array(
'label' => __( 'Favourite Color', 'job_manager' ),
'type' => 'text',
'placeholder' => __( 'Blue', 'job_manager' ),
'description' => '',
'priority' => 1

return $fields;


// Add field to frontend
add_filter( 'submit_resume_form_fields', 'wpjms_frontend_resume_form_fields' );
function wpjms_frontend_resume_form_fields( $fields ) {

$fields['resume_fields']['candidate_color'] = array(
'label' => __( 'Favourite Color', 'job_manager' ),
'type' => 'text',
'required' => true,
'placeholder' => '',
'priority' => 1

return $fields;


// Add a line to the notifcation email with custom field
add_filter( 'apply_with_resume_email_message', 'wpjms_color_field_email_message', 10, 2 );
function wpjms_color_field_email_message( $message, $resume_id ) {
$message[] = "\n" . "Favourite Color: " . get_post_meta( $resume_id, '_candidate_color', true );
return $message;

Note: You can change the ‘priority’ of the field to position it where you want it. The higher the number, the lower down the form it will appear.

You could use a different field type like select or checkbox, just make sure to follow the same method to add those field types that WP Job Manager uses.

Note: To add it to the preview field you’d want to look at adding it to the template files, like content-single-resume.php, with some code like:

<? php echo get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_candidate_color', true ); ?>

Making the ‘Resume File’ field required

A common request is to require a resume file to be added. Simply use the following code to make it so:

// Add your own function to filter the fields
add_filter( 'submit_resume_form_fields', 'resume_file_required' );

// This is your function which takes the fields, modifies them, and returns them
function resume_file_required( $fields ) {

// Here we target one of the job fields (candidate name) and change it's label
$fields['resume_fields']['resume_file']['required'] = true;

// And return the modified fields
return $fields;

Adding a field to a repeated section

To add a field to one of the resume’s repeated sections (Education, Experience), the process is almost the same as adding a single field. Here’s an example of adding a “Favorite Teacher” field to each Education section.

Adding the field to admin

Note that we use the 'resume_manager_resume_education_fields' filter instead of 'resume_manager_resume_fields'.

It’s also important to include a 'name' entry as shown:

// Add field to admin
add_filter( 'resume_manager_resume_education_fields', 'wpjms_admin_resume_form_fields' );
function wpjms_admin_resume_form_fields( $fields ) {

$fields['favorite_teacher'] = array(
'label' => __( 'Favourite Teacher', 'job_manager' ),
'name' => 'resume_education_teacher[]',
'type' => 'text',
'placeholder' => '',
'description' => '',
'priority' => 1

return $fields;


Adding the field to the frontend form

This code is almost the same as adding a single field to the form, you just need to include ['candidate_education']['fields'] to specify where this field should go.

// Add field to frontend
add_filter( 'submit_resume_form_fields', 'wpjms_frontend_resume_form_fields' );
function wpjms_frontend_resume_form_fields( $fields ) {
	$fields['resume_fields']['candidate_education']['fields']['favorite_teacher'] = array(
	    'label' => __( 'Favourite Teacher', 'job_manager' ),
	    'type' => 'text',
	    'required' => true,
	    'placeholder' => '',
	    'priority' => 1

	return $fields;

Remove the Preview Step

You may want to simplify the job submission process by removing the preview step.

To do so, simply add the following code to your functions.php file or even better, use a plugin such as Code Snippets:


* Remove the preview step. Code goes in theme functions.php or custom plugin.
* @param array $steps
* @return array
function custom_submit_job_steps( $steps ) {
unset( $steps['preview'] );
return $steps;
add_filter( 'submit_job_steps', 'custom_submit_job_steps' );

* Change button text (won't work until v1.16.2)
function change_preview_text() {
return __( 'Submit Job' );
add_filter( 'submit_job_form_submit_button_text', 'change_preview_text' );

* Since we removed the preview step and it's handler, we need to manually publish jobs
* @param int $job_id
function done_publish_job( $job_id ) {
$job = get_post( $job_id );

if ( in_array( $job->post_status, array( 'preview', 'expired' ) ) ) {
// Reset expirey
delete_post_meta( $job->ID, '_job_expires' );

// Update job listing
$update_job = array();
$update_job['ID'] = $job->ID;
$update_job['post_status'] = get_option( 'job_manager_submission_requires_approval' ) ? 'pending' : 'publish';
$update_job['post_date'] = current_time( 'mysql' );
$update_job['post_date_gmt'] = current_time( 'mysql', 1 );
wp_update_post( $update_job );
add_action( 'job_manager_job_submitted', 'done_publish_job' );

You may need to remove the first line from the code.

Basically this does a few things:

  1. Remove the preview step
  2. Change preview text to ‘Submit Job’
  3. Manually publish job (as the preview handler normally does this)

Require an active job package to view resumes

This tutorial applies to users running both Job Manager Resumes and WC Paid Listings and lets you restrict access to the resumes portion of your site to users with an active job package only.

Configure Resume Access

The first step is to configure resumes for capability based access. Go to Resumes > Settings > Resume Visibility and for each permission enter ‘has_active_job_package’.

Update Resume Visibility

Add a snippet

Use code snippet below into theme functions.php file, or even better, with a plugin such as Code Snippets.

// Hook into user_has_cap filter. This assumes you have setup resumes to require the capability 'has_active_job_package'
add_filter( 'user_has_cap', 'has_active_job_package_capability_check', 10, 3 );

* has_active_job_package_capability_check()
* Filter on the current_user_can() function.
* @param array $allcaps All the capabilities of the user
* @param array $cap [0] Required capability
* @param array $args [0] Requested capability
* [1] User ID
* [2] Associated object ID
function has_active_job_package_capability_check( $allcaps, $cap, $args ) {
// Only interested in has_active_job_package
if ( empty( $cap[0] ) || $cap[0] !== 'has_active_job_package' || ! function_exists( 'wc_paid_listings_get_user_packages' ) ) {
return $allcaps;

$user_id = $args[1];
$packages = wc_paid_listings_get_user_packages( $user_id, 'job_listing' );

// Has active package
if ( is_array( $packages ) && sizeof( $packages ) > 0 ) {
$allcaps[ $cap[0] ] = true;

return $allcaps;

What does it do? When WordPress checks if the user has the correct capability to view resumes, it checks the users packages. If they have a package, they are given the capability dynamically.


Jobs/Resumes or Categories leading to 404 page

If you are encountering 404 error pages there are a few things it could be. You should try the following in order:

  1. Most likely it’s permalink issue. You can fix it by by going to Settings > Permalinks from your WordPress dashboard and pressing the “Save” button without changing anything.
  2. If that didn’t work try disabling other installed plugins and then repeating step one. If it is a plugin conflict you can then either leave the problem plugin disabled or contact the author for assistance.
  3. Switch to a default theme (like Twenty Twenty) to rule out a conflict, again repeating step one after doing so.

By this point most problems should have been identified.

Employer and Candidate User Roles

Employer Role

Employers have access to the Jobs Dashboard. On this page, they can ‘view’, ‘edit’, ‘mark as filled’, and ‘delete’ their jobs. The job dashboard page only shows job details that have been posted by the user who is currently logged in. Other users such as candidates or visitors to the site cannot access the jobs dashboard page or make any changes to jobs they did not post.

If you have the Applications addon installed, then the job dashboard also shows the number of applications per job listing in a new column. Clicking the number in that column (when there are applications) will reveal the application list.

The ‘employer’ role doesn’t otherwise give the user any special capabilities. It is mainly used by themes or plugins. You can also use it to restrict certain views to the ‘employer’ role, as described here.

If you need to customize the capabilities of the ’employer’ role, you’ll need to use a plugin such as User Role Editor.

Candidate Role

This role is applied if a user registers on your site while posting a resume. The other details for the ‘candidate’ role are similar to that of the employer role; no special abilities other than access to a personal Candidate Dashboard, which displays the user’s resumes.