Listeo theme is translation ready. We that assume your WordPress is already in your language. If not, go to Dashboard → Settings → General and change the Site language.
Before you start!
Let’s Start
Install plugin Loco Translate.
After successful installation go to Loco Translate → Manage Localization, you should see this screen:
Click New language, select your language and choose a location, makes sure it’s either System or Custom location, avoid Author location, this way you won’t lose translations if you update theme/plugins (more about it)
Click Start Translating.
Now you should see that screen where you can translate each string that is used in theme:
When you’re done, click Save, and it’s also recommended to click both “Po” and “Mo” buttons to save them on your PC as a backup.
Dashboard page titles
Dashboard page titles has to be changed in WordPress page editor: