WP All Import plugin allows you to import posts and custom post types using CSV and XML files and with our add-on you can easily import listings.
Install WP All Import Plugin and our Add-On
- Install WP All Import plugin
Plugins → Add New → Search → WP All Import → Install & Activate
https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-all-import/ - Download and install our add-on to WP All Import
Download Add-On
Plugins → Add New → Upload Plugin → Install & Activate
Importing your CSV or XML file
First go to the WP All Import section and choose New Import
You’ll then be prompted to upload your CSV or XML file. You should also choose to create new Listings for the items dropdown. Once you have done it click Continue to Step 2
Once the file has uploaded successfully it will show you a preview of your CSV fields. Click Continue to Step 3 after ensuring it has uploaded correctly and can be read.
For step 3, you will need to tell WP All Import how to import each of the columns in your CSV file. Simply drag the data from right to left.
Start with the post title and content. These need to be mapped to property title and description:
Then go to Listeo Add-On section and map the rest of the data:
Images need to be mapped in Gallery Images:
Once you have mapped all fields Continue to Step 4. Choose an Unique ID (use Auto Detect) and click Continue.
Then you can review your import data and click Confirm & Run Import
If everything went well your data will be imported 🙂