Listeo features automatic email and SMS notifications about following actions:
- Welcome Email (email that new users receives after registration)
- Listing Published (confirmation that listing has been published)
- New Listing (confirmation that listing has been submitted)
- Expired listing (reminder about expiring listing)
- Expiring listing in next 5 days (reminder about expiring listing)
- Booking confirmation to user (confirmation to the user that his booking request has been sent)
- New booking request notification to owner (notification about new booking request to owner)
- Free booking confirmation to user (confirmation to the user that his free booking request has been approved)
- Booking approved – payment needed email to user (cconfirmation to the user that his booking request has been approved and it’s waiting for payment)
- Booking paid by user email to owner (notification to owner that user paid for booking)
You can customize content of those emails in Dashboard → Listeo Core → Emails
You can also use following variables:
- {user_name} – guest or owner username
- {payment_url} – link to the checkout page
- {expiration} – time when payment link will expire
- {listing_name} – listing name
- {dates} – booked dates
- {details} – amount of ordered tickets or guests
Email template preview: